A global investigation into medical device harm | Implant Files

This is a must-watch 2+minute video created by the ICIJ to highlight the problem with medical devices : breast implants, vaginal mesh, mesh used in breast reconstruction, hernia mesh, hip replacement joints, pacemakers, implanted...

Maladministration at the European Commission

The Complaint Against the Commission April 25, 2018 The European Commission has produced two self-referenced, political documents, in response to a public health crisis which have the effect of obstructing women and children exposed...

PIP Action Campaign’s Letter to the Ombudswoman 2018

In 2015, the EU Ombudswoman agreed with EU women, following a complaint, that more work was needed on the dangers of PIP implants. In 2017, following a “call for information” the European Commission concluded...

Breast Implants, how dangerous are they?

The Lies & Mythology This BUSINESS INSIDER report from Reuters “Breast implants tied to increased risk of rare blood cancer” was published on the 28th January 2018, It’s what is called “CHURNALISM, or a dubious press...

EU FAKEscience: it’s a thing & here’s how it works

In 2014, the European Commission’s SCENIHR committee published its findings on PIP implants. They claimed: “There is currently no convincing medical, toxicological or other data to justify routine removal of intact PIP implants.” At...

EU Commission Says “Not Enough Evidence” for a Review Into PIP implants

EU Commission Says “Not Enough Evidence” for a Review Into PIP implants

The Commission should continue to evaluate new scientific data relating to the safety of PIP implants.   Emily O’Reilly 27/10/2015   ^ BBC Radio 4 You and Yours 1/6/2016 In 2015, PIP Action Campaign...

TOXIC contaminants in PIP Implants

In 2014, the European Commission’s SCENIHR committee published its findings on PIP implants. At that time they were aware of the contaminants found at high levels in PIP Implants & simply down-played the significance...